Harris & Company | Litigation and Dispute Resolution
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Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Harris & Company has an enviable record of success in the handling of major and minor disputes, whether through negotiation, mediation or the courts.

Our objective is to provide clients with realistic solutions to their problems.

These may involve alternative dispute resolution techniques to obtain worthwhile cost-effective results. In appropriate cases, legal process through the courts may be the only realistic option.

Litigation services include:

  • A full review of available options and the likely consequence of each course of action.
  • Alternative dispute resolution, including mediation and negotiation.
  • Advocacy services by the firm’s own solicitors where appropriate and the briefing and support of barristers where required.
H&C lawyers 388 (1)
H&C Grant 001 web

Grant Hansen

Grant practices extensively in the areas of intellectual property licencing and compliance, employment law and commercial litigation.

H&C Alvin 007 web

Alvin Ng

Alvin is a lawyer with expertise in a range of commercial matters with a specific focus on commercial litigation and dispute resolution.